
be fair to others

Be fair to others….We can choose to work collaboratively to maximize output and integration. To achieve these objectives, we need to work effectively with our superiors, peers and subordinates. Being fair when working with them is: to listen to their opinions and ideas; be open to adopt and adapt ideas to meet objectives; aim to build better relationships – get to know each other better; and harness the team power of knowledge, skills and abilities to reach common goals and at all times, enjoy the ride!


choose to be with the right people

Choose to be with the right people. Invest in building relationships with people who encourages; who do not judge us and give feedback to improve us; who are being fair with us – don’t manipulate or make us serve their agendas while disregarding ours; who genuinely enjoy our presence. It is not hard to connect with people like that. They are already present in our lives. Let us activate our radars and start building meaningful relationships with them. They will help make our lives positively colorful and enjoyable.


words like arrows

Our words are like arrows. Once launched, cannot be retracted.

Hence, let us be mature in our conversations; ie be courageous to speak the truth with empathy for others.

There are many ways to convey our thoughts or ideas. And it helps build long-term relationships with others if we just control our words and how we say them.


customer service is an attitude

Customer service is an attitude.
Its in the personality that humbles one to serve another.
A personality that is sensitive to other’s needs and meet it;
enabling rapport building communications to connect and serve.
Great customer experience comes from the right attitude.


forgiving is possible

Forgiving someone who hurt us is hard to do, however, its possible. I always start with “the man in the mirror”; me. If it matters a lot to me; I’d ask whether I could have done anything to prevent it and whether I have the abundance of heart to let it go, to forgive. Most times I’d let it go and sometimes I’d talk to the person(s) involved. Ultimately, I’d take each of such experience as lesson learnt to lead a better life.


maturity = courage + empathy

Have we ever received opinions from others that were irresponsible or unjustifiable or even uncalled for? And has this thought crossed your mind after you’ve received these opinions: “speak for yourself”? Hence, we must be mature in giving feedback to others. One definition of maturity that I love is: “having the courage to feedback to others for their improvements while taking care of their feelings”. As I’ve experienced and seen at our workplaces, having such maturity while communicating with others really makes our workplaces better, creating a harmonious environment to grow and enjoy work. So, lets be mature in giving others feedback and enjoy the ride…!


building strong communication channels

Do you find that some leaders at your workplace do not communicate well or enough with their followers? And that such gaps birth unnecessary work problems or relational misunderstandings? These gaps can be narrowed or solved completely only with building strong channels of communication between the leaders and followers that are complete, sincere and open. We should invest efforts in communicating effectively across all functions and levels of our organization in order to effectively execute strategies and achieve our goals.